Sunday, May 29, 2011

Long time!

Hey! It has been a long time since we have updated the blog! We have had a busy month and a half! On April 11th Audrey and I left for AL and then Christy came over and met us in New Mexico, and we spent about a week there and then headed to Wisconsin to enjoy that great state! It was Audrey's first trip to Wisconsin since Christy was pregnant, so I guess that makes it her first real trip there! She loved going to Camp Randall and seeing Bucky and Bucky's LockerRoom! Audrey and I then went back to Alabama for a week and Christy headed back here to Misawa. All those adventures coupled with mid terms and then traveling back to Misawa with Audrey.  Audrey had her "traditional tractor ride" on a lawn tractor but she loved it non the less!

First time driving a tractor
Found a jawbone on our hike in NM!
Audrey and Maddigan Finally Meet!

Last week we moved from a 2 bedroom tower to a 3 bedroom tower and have so much more room! It is so much better and we feel less cramped. This should make the next 3 years a little more comfortable! Now we can't wait for family and friends to come visit! We have a space that will be comfortable to have people visit!