Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Time has flown!

I cannot believe that it has been 3 months since last posting! So much has been going on! School for all three of us. I climbed Mt. Fuji! What an amazing adventure it was too! Most recent events included a day hike with the family in the Hakkoda Mountains. We took the ropeway up and wandered along the path around the top before heading back down for lunch and a driving tour to see the changing leaves. It was a beautiful trip all around! Great weather, Great Friends and great views!

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4, 2011

So Today we decided to take a trip to Aomori City and visit Seiru-ji Temple or The Big Buddha! It was worth the trip for sure. We enjoyed wandering around the grounds of the temple on what seemed to be a very quiet, rainy day. There was one other American family and two other Japanese families. The scenery on the drive is beautiful views of the Hakkoda Mountains which are super green!

Showa Daibtsu (Showa Great Buddha)

Five Tier Pagoda

Audrey and the bells at Ichigan Kannon (One-Wish Kannon)
Audrey and the dragon fountain

It was an all around good trip, we got a break from the rain just as we arrived in Aomori and it lasted until after we headed home. This temple area is somewhat hidden away by all the trees that seem to filter away the sounds of the highways the city.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Long time!

Hey! It has been a long time since we have updated the blog! We have had a busy month and a half! On April 11th Audrey and I left for AL and then Christy came over and met us in New Mexico, and we spent about a week there and then headed to Wisconsin to enjoy that great state! It was Audrey's first trip to Wisconsin since Christy was pregnant, so I guess that makes it her first real trip there! She loved going to Camp Randall and seeing Bucky and Bucky's LockerRoom! Audrey and I then went back to Alabama for a week and Christy headed back here to Misawa. All those adventures coupled with mid terms and then traveling back to Misawa with Audrey.  Audrey had her "traditional tractor ride" on a lawn tractor but she loved it non the less!

First time driving a tractor
Found a jawbone on our hike in NM!
Audrey and Maddigan Finally Meet!

Last week we moved from a 2 bedroom tower to a 3 bedroom tower and have so much more room! It is so much better and we feel less cramped. This should make the next 3 years a little more comfortable! Now we can't wait for family and friends to come visit! We have a space that will be comfortable to have people visit! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Earthquake and Tsunami

I am sure that everyone is well aware of the events that took place March 11 this year with that 9.0M earthquake and resulting tsunami that has devastated Eastern Japan. It made for a rough few days for everyone, not knowing exactly what had happened, how extensive the damage was, and on top of that not being able to contact anyone in the states to let them know everything at Misawa AB was ok. There was a lot of devastation right here in our own city, and our neighboring areas. I had the opportunity to make it out to Hachinohe to help out with the clean up efforts and am happy that I got that experience. While there we ate lunch at a soba shop that days before was complete mess and being rebuilt as the cleanup was taking place! It was a huge morale boost for the things that are taking place, and showed the resiliency of the great people of this nation! Things seem to be getting back to normal in Misawa but the reminder of what happened just 3 weeks ago is there! We continue to have aftershocks and the clean up and support effort is still in full effect from here! It is a great opportunity for Americans to strengthen the relationship with our Friends outside the gate! Dubbed OPERATION TOMODACHI!
 Here are a few pics from my day at Hachinohe

April 7, 2011

Hey! It has been so long since we have updated here and it is time that we start working on it more often. So here goes a brief update of the things that have been going on... We were having a pretty awesome winter, enjoying taking time snowboarding with friends and just enjoying the pow. I was going out every week and was progressing every time out. Our last two weekends going out together with a group we went to APPI Kogen, which is a pretty large resort with a lot to offer for all different skill levels, Christy was doing really well and we had a great time!
I had the chance to go with my friends Paul and Mukai-san to the Hakkoda Mountains at the Ropeway where the hardcore Pow Hounds go for their backcountry riding! The trip there proved just how much snow falls up that way
Here are a few pics along the drive:
Near the Oirase Gorge

Personal escort

Getting deep

Japanese Self Defense Force doing snow exercise

  I had a great time riding on the one lift groomed area that was there that had some awesome snow!

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 2011

Hey guys, so it has been a while since we started the blog and thought that it was time to add an update! We had a busy Holiday season running around, Christy was working 12's for an exercise, and I had my final that week as well! Things slowed down just in time for Christmas Eve! Audrey was SOOOO much fun this year, she really got into it and was all about trying to stay awake to see "Santa"!!! Then we got through the new year holiday and Christy took a month off to study for TSgt. We are getting ready for Audrey's Birthday Party, this will be her first "real" birthday party with a bunch of her friends running around! 
We finally took a day out and headed to Noheji Town to the Makado Onsen Ski resort and Christy had her first trip on her snowboard, and was Awesome! She didn't fall near as many times as I did on my first trip out. It was a great day out overall! A big plus is that we can get to this area in about 45 minutes rather than the 2 hours to get to the bigger resorts, and there were far less people out there! Very few Americans!
Classes started back today and Christy is on the last week of her leave, so it is back to the grind for us! We hope that everyone is doing well, we miss everyone back home!